Category: Parenting

  • The Toddler Who Wanders in the Night

    Landon has been waking up in the night more and more lately, it’s been about once a night. He usually wanders into our room and I go and tuck him back in and pat him for one song (he has music that plays while he sleeps) and he’s good for the rest of the night.…

  • On staying at home {at least for a little while}

    *Check out my update here* Today is a strange day for me. My facebook news feed is full of updates on all my former colleague’s first day’s back at school. I’m closely watching the updates from the Kindergarten class and the wonderful teacher that took my place when I left to stay home with the…

  • Sleeping on the floor

    I swear that somehow Landon and Riley have meetings some nights where they create a schedule for waking up, where they alternate and tag team to maximize their chunks of sleep, while minimizing mine. And I’m sure that they have some type of monitoring system installed to know the second I’m in that stage of…

  • Fear of water

    Fear of water is a funny thing. We went to Shawn and Lacey’s apartment tonight to go swimming in their pool. This is the first time this summer that Landon’s been at a pool. We’ve gone to the creek a few times to dip our toes in and throw rocks, but no swimming. Last summer…

  • Snickerdoodles and life lessons

    More cooking adventures today. Landon’s allergies make baking more challenging, but over the last two years making some gluten free, dairy free, egg free snickerdoodles doesn’t scare me. There are so many wonderful food blogs out there now dedicated to gluten free cooking. There are many wonderful ones also dedicated to vegan cooking (takes out…

  • Everyday Life – “That” kid

    We’ve all done it before we’ve had a kid of our own and vowed we would never have “that” kid. You know, the one that is screaming at the top of his lungs in the middle of a nice a quiet store, kicking and screaming and flailing his arms. Did I mention screaming? Yeah – that…

  • Everyday life – holding on for dear life

    I go grocery shopping with two children two and under. Yes. I am that crazy. Really I’m not though. Riley does fine as long as he’s not hungry and Landon is really well behaved in public, as long as he’s not hungry, except for this one time in Rite Aid. I behave pretty well too (as…

  • Everyday Life – Pick your battles

    Everything is a big deal to a two year old. Landon is really in full swing of asserting his independence. It is a good thing, really and I do want to encourage it. However the assertion of his independence also means things usually happening not the way or in the time frame I would like.…

  • Potty Training ~ Cold Turkey

    Landon is newly potty trained. I was actually impressed by how quickly it happened. I was dreading it after hearing all the horror stories of kids hiding their poop in the VCR (true story) and other stories of resistance. We already had been introducing the idea and the suggestion of going on the potty would…

  • Sick Days

    I never take sick days as a teacher. When I get sick, like yesterday, I just work sick. I take tylenol, suck it up, and finish the day. I just made the realization as I sit here on the couch sick, the two boys napping; it’s a good thing I’m not used to taking sick…