Everyday Life – Mom’s Group and Fountains

A few weeks back I joined a mom’s group in Chico called the Chico Mother’s Club. I love being able to connect with other adults in the same life phase as me. It’s also great to be able to have playdates with other kids Landon’s age without playing the “lottery” of who will be at the park or what type of parents they will be. I’ve had it all in the short time here in Chico so far. I’ve had the great mom’s that discipline their children when they behave inappropriately (and really it’s more that they don’t have the need to because they teach them in the first place). Then we’ve had the parents that stand by and watch their child bully other kids and do nothing about it.

Landon has really grown attached to one friend we met and we meet up at the park regularly to play. It’s been wonderful having that connection as we settle in and calm down from the HUGE transition we’ve gone through of moving. Another friend from high school just moved back here recently as well and we got together with her – and am looking forward to more play dates.

My one piece of advice to stay at home mom’s – get out and find friends! I’m a very social person in the sense that I need adult interaction or I’ll go crazy. I’m also shy (go figure) at meeting new people so the mom’s group has been great as an ice breaker of sorts to start connecting with other moms.

Today we went to the fountains with some from the group, it was the first time we had been here – but after the fun he had I’m sure we’ll be back soon. 

For most of the time Landon just ran and ran around the edge of the water. All of the other kids were splashing and getting super wet. He finally got into it and started getting wet just as everyone else was getting dried off and eating a snack and getting ready to go. Silly boy!




2 responses to “Everyday Life – Mom’s Group and Fountains”

  1. I Love the fountains!

    1. They were lots of fun!