Pumpkin Seed Pumpkin

Pumpkins come from pumpkin seeds. Pumpkins have seeds in them… why not make a pumpkin from pumpkin seeds?!

Pumpkin Seed Pumpkin

Pumpkin Seeds (washed and dried)
Orange and green paint
Pumpkin Outline (I reused the one from doing the pumpkin “mache” craft)

Paint a large handful of pumpkin seeds orange (enough to cover the pumpkin), and a small amount green (enough to cover the leaf). This sounds easier than it is.

For younger children they might become frustrated with this. The seeds are light and small. The lack of fine motor skill makes this difficult. Some ideas: you hold the seed and they paint it (this is what we did), or you can skip this step and glue them all down and paint them after they’ve dried.

Once they’ve dried a little (or you decided to skip the painting step for now), glue them on to the pumpkin outline. We glued some unpainted ones to the stem! Pumpkin Seed Pumpkin!


3 responses to “Pumpkin Seed Pumpkin”

  1. This looks like so much fun!

    1. Thanks! It was tricky getting all the seeds painted, but was fun and worth it in the end!

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