How to blog while raising 2 young children

I’ve had several people ask me how I have the time to blog on top of all of the other chores of cooking and cleaning and the time that raising two small boys takes up. I do have to say that it is a balancing act but there are a few tips and tricks that I’ve figured out that make blogging possible with all of the other responsibilities I have.

My phone is my friend

I have several mobile apps that help me blog here and there, either in the spare moments between activities, or that make the transfer of media a faster process. My blog is a WordPress blog and they have a pretty detailed mobile app that lets me upload pictures from my phone and do basic text entry. I simply save it as a draft through the app if I want to do more editing during a nap or at night. This way I can do some of the blog post on the “go” and finish it up at night.

I also take a majority of my pictures using my phone, it takes some pretty good pictures and the upload to the WordPress app and direct insertion into the post I want is instant.

Set limits and priorities

I realize that I’m a new blogger learning the ropes of blogging and connecting with readers. I have a 1 year old and a 3 year old. I am the primary house manager, cook, cleaner, and financial manager. Blogging is something that I enjoy but there are other things that have a higher priority. I only work on my blog when the boys are asleep either napping or at night time and only after essential chores that need to be done are finished. I might also work on it when Landon has his set cartoon time, but only if Riley is asleep.

I know that creating a successful blog does take time and dedication, but definitely not at the sacrifice of the children I blog about.

Reduce expectations of myself – or at least be realistic

I often look at the many other blogs that I follow that have tons more followers and content and start dreaming that Loving My Nest will become that. It may, but not overnight, certainly not today, so working a gazillion (yes, gazillion) hours on it is only going to take a gazillion hours out of my life. I am my own worst critic and reminding myself to be realistic about the expectations I put on myself is important. It’s ok if I don’t post as often as I had hoped. It’s ok if I published a post then a few days later found a typo. Life will go on (*gasp* I know!).

I also make use of scheduling posts. I may type up 2 – 3 posts of activities we’ve done over the weekend and schedule them to be posted throughout the week. It “appears” that I’m blogging every day, but really I’m just “rationing” out my activities and thoughts to you!

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